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NOTE: In June 2023, it was announced that the end-of-life (EOL) for Drupal 7 is being pushed back to January 2025. Read more here. 

Currently, over 700,000 websites are still using Drupal 7. Our last webinar explored how Drupal 7 and 8 will no longer get updates, bug fixes or security patches from November 2022 and 2021 respectively.

Drupal 9 was released in June 2020. It will become the standard platform all organisations must use. An audit is the best way to get started on your move to Drupal 9 – but what are the best steps?

Read the blog for further insight and to catch-up on the highlights.


Key Insights

  1. Content Audit – analysing whether the content on your site is on-brand, still relevant, and how it is structured in the CMS (content types and taxonomy). 
  2. Features Audit – understanding what features are important to administrators; how the workflow, CRM and user permissions are structured; and whether users have the front-end features they need.
  3. Modules Audit – discovering whether the modules you’re using are compatible with Drupal 8, with a focus on the custom ones.
  4. Theme/Template Audit – if you’re not using a default theme, understanding whether it’s more cost-effective to recode existing templates or refresh them.
  5. DevOps Audit – taking the opportunity to review any performance, scalability and redundancy issues at the server level.