We’re proud to promote our new Senior Technical Lead, Enrique Worwa, who will be taking our CMS services further. With us since 2019, Enrique is passionate about Drupal, UX and Accessibility as well as innovative technology.

Tell us a bit about yourself

I'm a Venezuelan born citizen of the world, I enjoy learning about different cultures and I think there's no better way to do so than travelling, knowing people with different backgrounds than mine, and last but not least through food!

How did you get into web development?

I've been into coding from a very young age, I wrote my first piece of code in Basic when I was about 9 and never stopped! I ended up getting a System Engineering degree and specialised in software development. Today, even though I'm doing less coding I'm still passionate about it, so I'm always trying to catch up with the latest trends. Nowadays, I'm learning how to leverage software development through AI.

What excites you about being the Senior Drupal Technical Lead?

The opportunity to learn and expand my skill set beyond software development, and being able to help and support teammates and colleagues while growing my professional career. It's a win-win situation!

How do you see the future shaping up for Drupal as a CMS and where can we add value?

I've think Drupal has become more and more relevant in the enterprise world. Once you learn Drupal and its evolving ecosystem you understand how it can be used to build solutions for virtually every requirement, from traditional CMS, to headless and as a great basis for Digital Experience Platforms (DXP). At CACI, we have a very talented, certified team of Drupal developers that can build any tool our clients and partners might need, no matter the size nor complexity of the project. We're all truly passionate about Drupal.

Which three people inspire you and why?

I come from a family of strong women that has massively influenced my life, my grandmother taught me strength and resilience, my mother taught me to be a free thinker, and my sister has taught me patience and how to control my emotions.